We believe in the timeliness of customer service, and will do everything possible to satisfy our customers.

If you have any problems, comments, or suggestions, please contact us:

| Office Hours:​
Monday - Friday 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Pacific Time (PT)
| Email: Info@customblitz.com​
We'll answer your questions in 24 hours.
| Live Chat: 24 hours Monday through Friday​
Our chat representatives are currently unavailable.
| Phone: 1-888-888-8888
Call us! We're here for you.
| Self-Service Tools: www.customblitz.com/info/faq-help
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Customer Service

For questions regarding order status and other after-sales support, log in to My Orders and click on the order you need help with. From the detailed order page, you can easily review order details, track order progress, and request help by submitting a Customer Service ticket. We normally respond to all tickets within 24 hours.

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